Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions at Meridional. We are constantly adding most asked question to this page so if you have a question and don’t see your answer, please send us at contato@mtcs.com.br.

Yes, we are certified. Meridional has developed a strong internal quality system to guarantee the overall quality of its products and services (including logistics). For export operations where quality must be checked in the origin, we have established a work routine with renowned quality surveyors such as INTERTEK and SGS where our products are assessed prior to shipment and these results are sent to international customers. This gives transparency and reliability for our operations. These surveys can be tailored to encompass a large range of quality items and tests.

Yes, we do. In 2018 our company has received the Halal and Kosher certificates issued by representatives of certifying agencies, thus ensuring our presence and recognition in these global market niches and increasing our range of sales, which is also a guarantee and extra benefit to our trading partners and customers. Certified products: Soy Lecithin, Refined Glycerin USP, Vegetable Stearic Acid and Soy Acid Oil (E-SOY®).

You can email it directly to comercial@mtcs.com.br. Our sales department team send you an order acknowledgement to let you know that we have everything we need to begin the project.